Your results define our success - our objective is to produce results you can measure not reasons you can hide behind.
A risk identified is a risk reduced - we work with you to identify risk in your business and then develop structured processes to assist you to implement strategies to manage costs and maximise opportunities
One size will never fit all - our expertise and experience aids in understanding your specific issues to deliver timely, cost effective and tailored solutions
ITC was established in order to provide a more practical alternative to other law firms.
At ITC, we combine legal expertise with relevant experience to deliver realistic solutions to legal and commercial issues with a focus on key industry sectors.
Our innovative approach to legal services allows our clients, whether an individual or a business, to effectively manage the risks of any transaction as well as the costs they may incur.
ITC can negotiate and prepare contracts and documents for all aspects of …
We find that accountants are often faced with complex issues that require legal, as well as financial advice to be provided to their clients.
Our lawyers have extensive experience in dealing with complex corporate and commercial transactional matters as well as managing disputes in a cost-effective manner.
Architects are increasingly required to manage the creation of a complete suite of project documents in addition to the design drawings and specifications.
ITC lawyers have extensive experience in dealing with the issues and documentation involved in both new buildings and refurbishments including the delivery of improved environmental and energy ratings.
Builders often face complex contractual issues that require practical solutions based on specialised legal knowledge and advice.
ITC lawyers combine practical field experience with up to the minute knowledge of building and construction law to assist builders identify and negotiate reasonably balanced risk allocations and resolve issues and disputes across projects of all types and scales.
Building Managers are the recipients of owners and tenants’ frustrations when defects and damage to their buildings need to be rectified. They also need to make sure that essential maintenance is carried out regularly and without inconvenience to the tenants.
ITC lawyers understand the complex relationship that exists between owners, tenants, building managers/caretakers, and contractors.
Civil contractors often face complex contractual issues that require practical solutions based on specialised legal knowledge and advice.
ITC lawyers combine practical field experience with up to the minute knowledge of construction law to assist civil contractors identify and negotiate reasonably balanced risk allocations and resolve issues and disputes across projects of all types and scales.
Company directors and managers are often faced with complex issues that require commercially practical solutions based on sound legal advice.
Consulting Engineers are often faced with complex contractual issues that require practical solutions based on specialised legal knowledge and advice.
ITC lawyers combine practical field experience with up to the minute knowledge of construction law to assist consulting engineers identify and negotiate reasonably balanced contractual risk allocations and resolve issues and disputes across projects of all types and scales.
While lawyers are usually able to advise on general commercial transactions, they may not be able to fully understand and appreciate the more technical issues arising on construction projects and on transactions in the technology and manufacturing sectors. At these times, an expert’s assistance is required.
Our lawyers have extensive experience and specialist training in key industries, including formal qualifications in engineering and other related disciplines.
Mining operators and service suppliers often face complex issues that require practical solutions based on specialised legal knowledge and advice.
ITC lawyers combine practical field experience with up to the minute legal knowledge to assist operators with planning, documenting, managing and operating mining projects of all types and scales.
Project Managers are required to bring a project to completion on time, on budget and to the expected quality, while being faced with the challenges of complex documentation, constantly changing legislation, the conflicting interests of stakeholders, as well as unexpected obstacles on site.
ITC lawyers combine practical field experience with up to the minute knowledge of construction law to provide practical solutions to complex issues.
Property developers need to manage both stakeholders and complex issues to plan, structure, design, finance, construct, market and sell or lease each project.
We find that each property owner, despite having their individual expectations from their legal service providers, all have the one common objective – quality services for a reasonable price.
Whether buying a home or investing in a major development, our lawyers understand the necessity to communicate clearly with property owners whether in order to ensure that they are protected at all times.
Strata Managers are the recipient of owners’ frustrations when defects and damage to their buildings need to be rectified.
ITC lawyers understand the complex relationship that exists between owners corporations, strata managers, building managers/caretakers, committee members and the individual lot owners.
Trade contractors often face the most pressure to resolve technical issues quickly and cost-effectively, despite being exposed to considerable commercial risk. Consequently you need practical solutions which are not only based on specialised legal knowledge, but also take into account the overall impact on your business.
ITC lawyers combine practical field experience with up to the minute knowledge of construction law to provide trade contractors with advice on their potential risk on a project and assistance in resolving issues and disputes across all types of trades.
Fairness Trumps BCIPA in Queensland On 26 October 2017 the Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Bill 2017 was passed (with amendments) by the Queensland Parliament and the Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act 2017 (BIF Act) will commence operation at a time to be proclaimed and it will replace BCIPA. The KEY changes …
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Liability Limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Legal practitioners employed by ITC Law Pty Ltd are members of the scheme