Strata & Community Title


ITC works closely with Owners Corporations, Strata Managers, Executive Committee Members and individual lot owners in all aspects of legal advisory work including complex building disputes against builders and developers. Our aim is to collaborate with all stakeholders to deliver timely and cost effective results.

Defect Rectification & Remediation

We work with key consultants to identify building defects, coordinate forensic investigations and provide owners with suitable rectification strategies. More often than not this involves making claims against third parties such as developers, contractors or consultants.

We work closely with our network of experts to identify the cause of the defect and the best course of remediation including:

  • arranging for forensic building investigations to be undertaken
  • briefing experts to prepare defect audits for new buildings
  • investigating existing structures to identify common property defects
  • advising on the reasonable cost of repair of the defect work
  • providing specialist building and construction expertise in managing building defect rectification claims, building repairs and upgrades

In residential development projects, the nature and type of defects can vary dramatically as can the point at which they become apparent. Usually minor defects can easily be corrected before the building is handed over to the owners, whereas significant defects often occur after the original work was completed and therefore requires extensive remedial works to rectify them.

Claims Dispute Resolution

ITC is involved in matters ranging from large apartment complexes to smaller schemes and we recognise stakeholder concerns, particularly those relating to an increase in strata levies.

We have a strong working relationship with financiers who specialise in providing Owners Corporations with a financial package which best suits the needs of your strata scheme and to minimise the impact on individual owner’s cash flow.

At ITC we focus on resolving:

  • management disputes
  • disputes between lot owners
  • issues relating to common property defects and repairs and maintenance obligations

ITC has a network of experts that it uses to identify the cause of the defect and the best course of remediation