Lawyer |
While lawyers are usually able to advise on general commercial transactions, they may not be able to fully understand and appreciate the more technical issues arising on construction projects and transactions in the technology and manufacturing sectors. At these times, an expert’s assistance is required.
Our lawyers have extensive experience and specialist training in key industries, including formal qualifications in engineering and other related disciplines. This in-depth knowledge allows us to provide high-quality specialist advice that benefits the client’s whole business.
There are also occasions when a lawyer find themselves overloaded with work or under a conflict of interest, and therefore cannot act on instructions from a valued client. At such a time, every lawyer needs to be able to call on a trusted external resource to provide assistance of a standard that reflects well on them.
We have the skills and resources to provide quality advice and efficient representation both in formal court proceedings and in alternative forums with proven successful outcomes for clients.
ITC offers services in the following:
ITC Law can assist with: